Saturday, March 13, 2010

Method(s) and Style(s) of Gardening

I do not have a lot of space, so I used my own method of modified square foot gardening. My garden was pretty congested, and there are pros and cons to it. A pro was there was not much weeding that had to be done, but the con was it was harder to harvest and I missed a few cucumbers and squash because of the dense growth. One thing I will do different this year is try to do more vertical gardening. I am using tomato cages and lattice to try and get the most out of the vines, so I can plant more of each, and they will not overwhelm the other non-vining plants.

I am an organic gardener. I also use my own soil, and put mulch around the plants to minimize weeds. Here is a pic of my garden in the early stages last year. I removed a few of the tomato plants to make room because my heirlooms got enormous. I staked them, but they got so big and heavy they outgrew the stakes, so I am definitely getting metal cages this year so I can tame the tomatoes a bit better than I did last year.

I am a trial and error gardener. I read as much as I can and research as I go. This works well for me because I have very little time and it is easier for me to research problems as they arise than to try and learn everything all at once and end up forgetting half of everything.

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