Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Productive Weekend!

We got a lot done this weekend! I set out the strawberries and tomatoes that I have (still waiting on some tomato plants that I ordered to get here). I like heirloom tomatoes, it is what I grew up with, so that is what I plant. I am not big on whether or not my plants are hybrid or not, and I tend to shop around until I find a variety that works and then stick with it. I am using the same variety of squash, and okra, growing them from seed. I am also using some of the tomatoes I used last year. I could not find one of the varieties of tomato, and my grandparents gave me some of their seedlings last year so I guess those two varieties I won't have, but I did find some heirlooms similar to what I got from them, so I hope they work out. The hubby has done a good job preparing the soil and turning the garden spot, we almost have the extension we wanted finished.

I also finished designing, planting, and mulching the Kitty Memorial garden.
Our pet cat, Mr. Kitty passed away this winter and he was the first pet that my kids have lost (besides fish). They wanted to do something special, and the flower garden with the memorial garden stone looks very pretty. I think it was a sweet idea and really like how it turned out. There is a miniature rose, petunias, miniature dahlias, and pansies.

All of my seeds except the corn and eggplant have sprouted. I need to try and transplant the squash into bigger pots soon, they really took off. I'll probably have monster squash plants again this year. Last year they were nearly as tall as me, and taller then the kids. HUGE!!! My blueberry bushes have tons of buds on them and so do my roses. My lilies have sprouted and my irises have spread like wildfire this year, I was surprised to see so many of them. I hope they bloom this year, they did not bloom last year and the year before, they only had a couple of blooms.
I promise to take a lot more pictures of the garden this year.
I already have some pics of the seedlings, memorial garden, and vegetable garden spot so far, and will post them later tonight.

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